
General Tools

Some general mathematical tools to come in handy, such as: Generate random prime, random number, check if prime, convert to and from binary, convert to and from hex, prime factorization, basic hashing examples and more.

Generate Random Prime Number:

Generate Random Number:

Check if a number is a prime number:

Convert Number to Binary:

Convert Binary to Number:

Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal:

Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal:

Prime Factorization Calculator:

*This will take some time for large numbers, a good resource can be found at:
It's faster because it stores all calculations in a database to pull as they have been computed before.

Find P and Q from N where n=p*q Calculator:

*This will take some time for large numbers, a good resource can be found at:
It's faster because it stores all calculations in a database to pull as they have been computed before.

Hash Files:

MD5 File Hash Tool:

Upload a single .txt file and generate a hash of that file:

Hash Text:

SHA256 Text Hash Tool:

Upload a single .txt file and generate a hash of that file:

Checkout the original site with mostly functional formulas:

Visit Original Site